Back in the Groove
After spinning regularly for the months of January and February in order to crank off the yarns that I wound up using in my dress – I took a bit of a break. Mostly to knit the dress – well, that explains March anyhow.
The beginning of April came and went, (along with more fussing on the dress to fine tune it) – but it took a little bit for me to get the wheel back out.
Before taking my break, I had already prepped my next spin – a three-ply combo of two colorways:
Southern Cross Fibre Seafoam and HelloYarn Crickets – both on bluefaced leicester. I split up the fiber to get the same weights in three groupings allowing me to spin one bobbin of Seafom, one bobbin of Crickets and one bobbin that was a combination of the two.
Sorry, I failed to get a photo of the combo bobbin! I wound up alternating thin strips of each colorway while spinning that one – so it likely looked like one of the other bobbins when I was done spinning. I didn’t quite get the singles balanced perfectly, so I wound up with one bobbin of three-ply and then finished plying the remaining singles into a small 2-ply skein.
I took the opportunity to spin up these singles using supported longdraw. Combined into a three-ply, the resulting yarn is really squishy and poofy – and likely the thickest yarn I’ve turned out in quite some time. I haven’t figured out what this yarn is going to transform into yet, whatever it is will be rather quick to knit since I’ll be able to use some larger needles